Foot Pain Specialist

Town Center Foot & Ankle

Podiatry located in Kingwood, TX

Foot pain isn’t anything to ignore. Seemingly minor or infrequent pain can be an early warning sign of a developing issue. Before living another day with foot pain, see what the team at Town Center Foot & Ankle can do for you. You can request an evaluation at the Kingwood, Texas, clinic by calling or going online to request an appointment.

Foot Pain Q & A

What causes foot pain?

Your feet are responsible for supporting your entire body weight and even though they’re strong and sturdy, one swift move in the wrong direction and you can break a bone or tear connective tissue. Plus, because blood circulation and nutrient delivery are already limited in your lower extremities — think gravity — it just takes longer for things to heal in your feet and ankles. Some of the most common causes of foot pain include:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Heel spurs
  • Ankle sprains
  • Bunions or hammertoes
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Peripheral neuropathy


In some cases, foot pain just develops over time because of your inherited foot shape. If you’re flat-footed, for instance, you might just be prone to having foot pain, but that doesn’t mean you have to learn to get used to it.

When should I see a doctor for foot pain?

It’s always best to request an evaluation at Town Center Foot & Ankle as soon as foot pain starts, just to ensure you don’t have a chronic issue occurring — or to start treatment if you do. But it’s imperative to come in right away if you experience:

  • Tenderness or swelling
  • Difficulty bearing weight on the foot
  • Open wounds that won’t heal


Redness, high fever, or skin that’s warm to the touch are red flags that you could have an infection, meaning it’s time to request an evaluation.

How is foot pain treated?

Your foot pain treatment depends on the cause, of course. With a team of expert podiatrists at Town Center Foot & Ankle, you can feel confident that your practitioner is going to get to the root of your foot pain and find an effective solution. Available treatment options include:

  • Custom foot orthotics
  • Bracing or splinting
  • Cortisone injections
  • Wound care solutions
  • Physical therapy
  • Antibiotics or antifungal medications


If you have an issue that requires surgical repair, or if more conservative measures just aren’t providing relief, the podiatry team cares for you every step of the way. They perform most foot surgeries using minimally invasive arthroscopic technology, so you can expect minimal downtime.

Foot pain can be the sign of a serious condition and shouldn’t be ignored. To get to the root of your foot pain, request an evaluation at Town Center Foot & Ankle either over the phone or online.